Bono Vox in Viggiano? The bond exists yet |
12/07/2018 | In December 1857 Basilicata was upset by an earthquake which destroyed the Val D´Agri territory because Montemurro was the epicenter. In that time this earthquake was considered as the third greatest and most damaging in history in Europe (the first in Italy), and after the first news received in Great Britain, they decided to send a scientific expedition by the Royal Society of London. This expedition was led by the irish engineer Robert Mallet from Dublin. If you have the chance to visit Dublin and have in the hands a two euro coin, you can notice an harp. In history the harp was, for the Irish people, not only a symbol of a traditional ancient music but also a symbol of fight and liberty in the name of independence of Great Britain.
What have in common the Val D´Agri territory of 1857 studied by an Irish engineer, with an harp, the symbol of Ireland, if not the country of James Joyce? Apparently nothing if we don´t consider the solid friendship between the new „viggianese“ Billie Joe Armstrong, leader of Green Day, who came back from his recent visit in Viggiano (village of music and, exactly, of the harp) to discover his roots of his ancestors and another great frontman of a famous band: the Irish Bono Vox. The leader of U2 landed recently in Campania for his vacation on the Costa Amalfitana and it seems that he requested information about this lucanian village (Viggiano) which charmed Billie Joe and his family. Viggiano could be a dear place for Bono Vox not for only following the blood flow of a certain ancestor but in the name of the different bond but strong with his country for the reasons that are descripted earlier. The mayor Amedeo Cicala doesn´t give an opinion to this topic and says that there aren´t concrete news about that. But we are sure that the hospitality given to Billie Joe Armstrong would also charm the other „monster“ of the music. And to paraphrase the first verse of a famous song: „Can I believe this news today?“. We hope.
Mariapaola Vergallito
Ferdinando Cuccaro |
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